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About wet `n wild emerald Pointe
Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe is a site best for a getaway holiday and weekends. The beauty of the ground is a breathtaking experience that lasts in people’s memory. Wet ‘n wild Pointe is the 12th largest water park in the United states using over 3million United States of America gallons of water. Wet`n wild Greensboro was launched in 1984 in North Carolina. Its foundation promised family members the best encounter with the wet`n wild emerald pointe. Wet and wild nc is the best place for investors to cash in their money as profits are always guaranteed. Over the years the facilities of the place have drastically improved as the board of directors, and the suppliers are working to be up to date with the new technology.
Security of the place
Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe has the most trained employees on the ground. In a case of separations of kids from parents, the security officer will always locate them back to their guardians. The officers ensure that the children are safe till their reunion with their parents.
Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe has more than 100 trained lifeguard professionals. West's wild nc ensures that the lifeguards receive 4hours training per month to maintain their skill. Guest may encounter a highly efficient means of training while visiting. In wet`n wild emerald pointe, there have been 0 cases of drowning since its foundation.
In wet and wild Greensboro, valuable is always strictly protected. Visitors are always given lockers to store their property. When it comes to the weather changes of the area, wet`n wild nc have contact with the weather power station that ensures wet ‘n wild emerald pointe is aware of weather and climate changes.
Requirements to ride
For riders to ride, different sections have different height and weight measures. Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe has facilities that cater for all sizes of people and so there’s no need to worry because there is something for everyone. Kiddie Slides are also available for children. Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe also provides for different colors as it is scientifically proven; different kids get attracted to different colors.
Cool resting places
Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe has separate cabanas at several locations. Emerald Pointe discount tickets station has always ensured that wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe customers have a generous discount on the tickets they purchase for the cabanas emerald Pointe discount tickets have a good air condition area for parking vehicles at different rates and a discount on each ticket that are purchased. There are different sports for parking, the regular and the V.I.P section.
Availability of facilities
Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe offers lifejackets to the riders and swimmers. For the students learning to swim, wet`n wild Greensboro have professional instructors that are skilled in swimming lessons.
Swimming costumes are available to anyone who needs to purchase at fair prices. Wet `n wild emerald Pointe offers meals that are exclusive from the entrance ticket. Food and beverages from outside wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe are not allowed. This precaution is taken so as to prevent food poisoning. Alcohol and substance abuse are not allowed in wet ‘n wild emerald pointe, this is to ensure reduction of the rate of damages caused by intoxicated persons.
There are changing facilities for the users and also restrooms. The bathroom is located at Davey Jones lockers near the flag pole area inside the main park entrance. Wet ‘n wild emerald Pointe also offers smaller bathrooms that is located at different sports in the park.